Welcome to Wellington Court Financial Services ...

Who are we?

Wellington Court Financial Services Ltd is a financial services company specialising in providing high quality, tax compliant independent financial advice, wealth management expertise and company and trust management services ....

Financial Planning

In a rapidly changing World, flexible financial planning is essential and requires modern innovative solutions, commensurate with maximum security. We are an organisation with a global outlook, which allows us to offer the best and most appropriate financial products and services to expatriates and international investors.


Our Team

Members of our team work in integrated teams focused on delivering quickly and efficiently specialist services to all our clients, whatever their background or needs. Our success depends on the experience and commitment of our people...

Clients testimonials

I realise it is easier to make money than to preserve it.  If only I had met members of Wellington's team 10 years ago I would be much better off than I am today.  I now appreciate the importance of preservation of wealth through the generations.

K.M. Ireland


Products & Services

Wellington Court Financial Service is unique in its offering of cross border international products and solutions aimed at High Net Worth Individuals, International Business Executives and Expatriates.